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Police & Public Safety
Designed with the integrity of our military gear, Rothco's Public Safety apparel and police gear take law enforcement to the next level. Rothco offers everything from tactical jackets to uniforms, shoes and boots, duty gear and more - all in-stock for immediate delivery.
Rothco Latex Glove Pouch For Polic...
Rothco Tactical Leg Holster
Rothco Stainless Steel Handcuffs
Sabre Red USA Defense Spray W/pink...
Tracker IV Metal Detector
Rothco Expandable Baton With Keyri...
Rothco Multi-purpose SWAT Elbow Pa...
Rothco Tactical Protective Gear Kn...
Rothco Leather ID Badge Holder
Rothco Leather Clip-On Badge Holde...
Rothco Leather Clip-On Badge Holde...
Rothco NYPD Style Leather Badge Ho...